POST api/Insured/InsuredClaims
Insured claims list endpoint.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
List of insured database Ids.
InsuredDataBaseIdsName | Description | Type | Additional information |
InsuredDataBaseId | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "insuredDataBaseId": [ "e167f303-b2ae-420f-8e4e-d166849e4961", "baf36685-dd7d-4c1f-962b-56ec5ddba5df" ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<InsuredDataBaseIds xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <InsuredDataBaseId xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:guid>e167f303-b2ae-420f-8e4e-d166849e4961</d2p1:guid> <d2p1:guid>baf36685-dd7d-4c1f-962b-56ec5ddba5df</d2p1:guid> </InsuredDataBaseId> </InsuredDataBaseIds>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
List of InsuredClaims against given insured database Ids.
InsuredClaimsName | Description | Type | Additional information |
DatabaseId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
ClaimNumber | string |
None. |
Status | string |
None. |
DateAndAmount | Collection of DateAmount |
None. |
Street | string |
None. |
City | string |
None. |
State | string |
None. |
ZipCode | string |
None. |
County | string |
None. |
DateOfLossAndTime | date |
None. |
DescribeLocation | string |
None. |
PoliceOrFireDepartment | string |
None. |
ReportNumber | string |
None. |
AdditionalComments | string |
None. |
DescriptionOfLossAndDamage | string |
None. |
InsuredEmail | string |
None. |
InsuredFirstName | string |
None. |
InsuredLastName | string |
None. |
InsuredCommercialName | string |
None. |
PolicyNumber | string |
None. |
ChangeDate | date |
None. |
CreateDate | date |
None. |
InsuredDatabaseId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "databaseId": "69f8b92a-114e-431b-a80b-ba39e6ff7cfa", "claimNumber": "sample string 2", "status": "sample string 3", "dateAndAmount": [ { "date": "2024-12-09T19:43:14.0146562-06:00", "amount": 1.0 }, { "date": "2024-12-09T19:43:14.0146562-06:00", "amount": 1.0 } ], "street": "sample string 4", "city": "sample string 5", "state": "sample string 6", "zipCode": "sample string 7", "county": "sample string 8", "dateOfLossAndTime": "2024-12-09T19:43:14.0146562-06:00", "describeLocation": "sample string 9", "policeOrFireDepartment": "sample string 10", "reportNumber": "sample string 11", "additionalComments": "sample string 12", "descriptionOfLossAndDamage": "sample string 13", "insuredEmail": "sample string 14", "insuredFirstName": "sample string 15", "insuredLastName": "sample string 16", "insuredCommercialName": "sample string 17", "policyNumber": "sample string 18", "changeDate": "2024-12-09T19:43:14.0146562-06:00", "createDate": "2024-12-09T19:43:14.0146562-06:00", "insuredDatabaseId": "9eb883b8-6bb8-4c05-8c42-9ccd1b3f07de" }
application/xml, text/xml
<InsuredClaims xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AdditionalComments>sample string 12</AdditionalComments> <ChangeDate>2024-12-09T19:43:14.0146562-06:00</ChangeDate> <City>sample string 5</City> <ClaimNumber>sample string 2</ClaimNumber> <County>sample string 8</County> <CreateDate>2024-12-09T19:43:14.0146562-06:00</CreateDate> <DatabaseId>69f8b92a-114e-431b-a80b-ba39e6ff7cfa</DatabaseId> <DateAndAmount xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:DateAmount> <d2p1:Amount>1</d2p1:Amount> <d2p1:Date>2024-12-09T19:43:14.0146562-06:00</d2p1:Date> </d2p1:DateAmount> <d2p1:DateAmount> <d2p1:Amount>1</d2p1:Amount> <d2p1:Date>2024-12-09T19:43:14.0146562-06:00</d2p1:Date> </d2p1:DateAmount> </DateAndAmount> <DateOfLossAndTime>2024-12-09T19:43:14.0146562-06:00</DateOfLossAndTime> <DescribeLocation>sample string 9</DescribeLocation> <DescriptionOfLossAndDamage>sample string 13</DescriptionOfLossAndDamage> <InsuredCommercialName>sample string 17</InsuredCommercialName> <InsuredDatabaseId>9eb883b8-6bb8-4c05-8c42-9ccd1b3f07de</InsuredDatabaseId> <InsuredEmail>sample string 14</InsuredEmail> <InsuredFirstName>sample string 15</InsuredFirstName> <InsuredLastName>sample string 16</InsuredLastName> <PoliceOrFireDepartment>sample string 10</PoliceOrFireDepartment> <PolicyNumber>sample string 18</PolicyNumber> <ReportNumber>sample string 11</ReportNumber> <State>sample string 6</State> <Status>sample string 3</Status> <Street>sample string 4</Street> <ZipCode>sample string 7</ZipCode> </InsuredClaims>