POST api/Insured/InsuredContacts
Insured contacts list endpoint.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
List of insured database Ids.
InsuredDataBaseIdsName | Description | Type | Additional information |
InsuredDataBaseId | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "insuredDataBaseId": [ "a5a9d287-9ff0-4cf6-8adf-2c34d4b9529f", "ac60525b-3cf2-4285-821c-1d360eac33ea" ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<InsuredDataBaseIds xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <InsuredDataBaseId xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:guid>a5a9d287-9ff0-4cf6-8adf-2c34d4b9529f</d2p1:guid> <d2p1:guid>ac60525b-3cf2-4285-821c-1d360eac33ea</d2p1:guid> </InsuredDataBaseId> </InsuredDataBaseIds>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
List of InsuredContacts against given insured database Ids.
InsuredContactsName | Description | Type | Additional information |
DatabaseId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
PrimaryContact | boolean |
None. |
FirstName | string |
None. |
MiddleName | string |
None. |
LastName | string |
None. |
Type | ContactType |
None. |
HomePhone | string |
None. |
OfficePhone | string |
None. |
CellPhone | string |
None. |
PersonalFax | string |
None. |
BusinessFax | string |
None. |
PersonalEMail | string |
None. |
BusinessEMail | string |
None. |
Prefix | Prefix |
None. |
Suffix | Suffix |
None. |
Gender | GenderCode |
None. |
MaritalStatus | MaritalStatusCode |
None. |
SocialSecurityNumber | string |
None. |
Education | Education |
None. |
Birthday | date |
None. |
Note | string |
None. |
IsDriver | boolean |
None. |
DLNumber | string |
None. |
DLYear | integer |
None. |
DLStateName | string |
None. |
Description | string |
None. |
IsHealthPlanMember | boolean |
None. |
IndustryName | string |
None. |
ChangeDate | date |
None. |
InsuredDatabaseId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Active | boolean |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "databaseId": "7bfd15dd-13f5-4a3b-b9da-f016e3a59782", "primaryContact": true, "firstName": "sample string 3", "middleName": "sample string 4", "lastName": "sample string 5", "type": 0, "homePhone": "sample string 6", "officePhone": "sample string 7", "cellPhone": "sample string 8", "personalFax": "sample string 9", "businessFax": "sample string 10", "personalEMail": "sample string 11", "businessEMail": "sample string 12", "prefix": 0, "suffix": 0, "gender": 0, "maritalStatus": 0, "socialSecurityNumber": "sample string 13", "education": 0, "birthday": "2025-03-31T17:50:34.6201594-05:00", "note": "sample string 14", "isDriver": true, "dlNumber": "sample string 16", "dlYear": 1, "dlStateName": "sample string 17", "description": "sample string 18", "isHealthPlanMember": true, "industryName": "sample string 20", "changeDate": "2025-03-31T17:50:34.6201594-05:00", "insuredDatabaseId": "f7940ba7-2375-4a94-83b4-4f75e52b5d15", "active": true }
application/xml, text/xml
<InsuredContacts xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Active>true</Active> <Birthday>2025-03-31T17:50:34.6201594-05:00</Birthday> <BusinessEMail>sample string 12</BusinessEMail> <BusinessFax>sample string 10</BusinessFax> <CellPhone>sample string 8</CellPhone> <ChangeDate>2025-03-31T17:50:34.6201594-05:00</ChangeDate> <DLNumber>sample string 16</DLNumber> <DLStateName>sample string 17</DLStateName> <DLYear>1</DLYear> <DatabaseId>7bfd15dd-13f5-4a3b-b9da-f016e3a59782</DatabaseId> <Description>sample string 18</Description> <Education>No_High_School_Diploma</Education> <FirstName>sample string 3</FirstName> <Gender>M</Gender> <HomePhone>sample string 6</HomePhone> <IndustryName>sample string 20</IndustryName> <InsuredDatabaseId>f7940ba7-2375-4a94-83b4-4f75e52b5d15</InsuredDatabaseId> <IsDriver>true</IsDriver> <IsHealthPlanMember>true</IsHealthPlanMember> <LastName>sample string 5</LastName> <MaritalStatus>S</MaritalStatus> <MiddleName>sample string 4</MiddleName> <Note>sample string 14</Note> <OfficePhone>sample string 7</OfficePhone> <PersonalEMail>sample string 11</PersonalEMail> <PersonalFax>sample string 9</PersonalFax> <Prefix>MR</Prefix> <PrimaryContact>true</PrimaryContact> <SocialSecurityNumber>sample string 13</SocialSecurityNumber> <Suffix>JR</Suffix> <Type>Owner</Type> </InsuredContacts>