POST api/Insured/InsuredSMS
Insured Sms list endpoint.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
List of insured database Ids.
InsuredDataBaseIdsName | Description | Type | Additional information |
InsuredDataBaseId | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "insuredDataBaseId": [ "8fb9e4db-ce01-41ea-9ee8-919fe31f67cd", "9b862c3c-fe71-4447-ba4b-d2a70542f24a" ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<InsuredDataBaseIds xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <InsuredDataBaseId xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:guid>8fb9e4db-ce01-41ea-9ee8-919fe31f67cd</d2p1:guid> <d2p1:guid>9b862c3c-fe71-4447-ba4b-d2a70542f24a</d2p1:guid> </InsuredDataBaseId> </InsuredDataBaseIds>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
List of InsuredSMS against given insured database Ids.
InsuredSMSName | Description | Type | Additional information |
DateAndTime | date |
None. |
FromNumber | string |
None. |
ToNumber | string |
None. |
Subject | string |
None. |
FromName | string |
None. |
ToName | string |
None. |
ConversationId | string |
None. |
MessageId | string |
None. |
IsRead | boolean |
None. |
SystemType | string |
None. |
InsuredDatabaseId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
InsuredEmail | string |
None. |
InsuredFirstName | string |
None. |
InsuredLastName | string |
None. |
InsuredCommercialName | string |
None. |
DatabaseId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "dateAndTime": "2025-03-31T17:42:57.4548222-05:00", "fromNumber": "sample string 2", "toNumber": "sample string 3", "subject": "sample string 4", "fromName": "sample string 5", "toName": "sample string 6", "conversationId": "sample string 7", "messageId": "sample string 8", "isRead": true, "systemType": "sample string 10", "insuredDatabaseId": "d30ba981-d954-4d1e-aeb4-5144986a7097", "insuredEmail": "sample string 11", "insuredFirstName": "sample string 12", "insuredLastName": "sample string 13", "insuredCommercialName": "sample string 14", "databaseId": "7b29b6b8-98f4-415e-a6aa-785ce107798e" }
application/xml, text/xml
<InsuredSMS xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <ConversationId>sample string 7</ConversationId> <DatabaseId>7b29b6b8-98f4-415e-a6aa-785ce107798e</DatabaseId> <DateAndTime>2025-03-31T17:42:57.4548222-05:00</DateAndTime> <FromName>sample string 5</FromName> <FromNumber>sample string 2</FromNumber> <InsuredCommercialName>sample string 14</InsuredCommercialName> <InsuredDatabaseId>d30ba981-d954-4d1e-aeb4-5144986a7097</InsuredDatabaseId> <InsuredEmail>sample string 11</InsuredEmail> <InsuredFirstName>sample string 12</InsuredFirstName> <InsuredLastName>sample string 13</InsuredLastName> <IsRead>true</IsRead> <MessageId>sample string 8</MessageId> <Subject>sample string 4</Subject> <SystemType>sample string 10</SystemType> <ToName>sample string 6</ToName> <ToNumber>sample string 3</ToNumber> </InsuredSMS>