Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
database_id | globally unique identifier |
None. |
type | string |
None. |
year | integer |
None. |
make | string |
None. |
model | string |
None. |
vin | string |
None. |
description | string |
None. |
type_of_use | string |
None. |
TypeOfUseAsFlag | VehicleTypeOfUse |
None. |
value | string |
None. |
deductible_comprehensive | integer |
None. |
deductible_collision | integer |
None. |
visible | boolean |
None. |
policy_numbers | Collection of string |
None. |
insured_database_id | globally unique identifier |
None. |
insured_email | string |
None. |
insured_first_name | string |
None. |
insured_last_name | string |
None. |
insured_commercial_name | string |
None. |
policy_level_coverages_XML | string |
None. |
vehicle_specific_coveragesXML | string |
None. |
policy_level_coverages | Collection of CoverageBasic |
None. |
vehicle_specific_coverages | Collection of CoverageBasic |
None. |
active | boolean |
None. |
policy_database_id | globally unique identifier |
None. |
VehicleLienHolders | Collection of VehicleLienHolderDetails |
None. |